Gimbuta Goddess

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The Language of the Goddess was based on the architectural findings throughout Lithuanian Americans Marija Gimbutas’ life. She was considered the premier archeologist behind the idea of goddess based religions in Old Europe. Written in 1989, The Language of the Goddess was her most recently published work. The book explored the possibilities of an ancient goddess based religion in Europe, around 6,000 B.C., and how these beliefs affected modern western society. Gimbutas gave this goddess several titles such as the “Old European Great Goddess” and the “Single Source of all Life.” Along with her archeological findings, Gimbutas used ancient mythology, folklore, and other scholar’s findings to form her theories. Within The Language of the Goddess,…show more content…
Although at first the text was somewhat difficult to understand, her theories were both well thought out and very imaginative. Some of her core themes included Mother Earth, fertility, death, and regeneration. In the text Marija elaborates by stating, “The Goddess gradually retreated into the depths of forests or onto mountaintops, where she remains to this day in beliefs and fairy stories. Human alienation from the vital roots of earthly life ensued, the results of which are clear in our contemporary society. But the cycles never stop turning, and now we find the Goddess reemerging from the forests and mountains, bringing us hope for the future, returning us to our most ancient human roots.” The Language of the Goddess as a whole presented thousands of artifacts. Throughout the book, Gimbutas used these artifacts to support her philosophies on goddess religion. The book itself was structured into four sections: Life-Giving, The Renewing and Eternal Earth, Death and regeneration, and Energy and Unfolding. She continued to elaborate on this and claimed that since water was a basic element of every living organism, it helped represent the goddess as a life giver. In support of this Marija cited a statue of the goddess with water flowing down her body. In old European art, water was represented as an M. Therefore this particular symbol was usually marked onto water jugs. Moreover Gimbutas theorized that a V shape symbolized the female reproductive system. The V symbol is often associated with bird vases and
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