Shakespeare's View Of Love In Twelfth Night

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Love is not always how you see it in the movies. In Fairy Tales, characters seem to love each other's flaws, giving the reader the happily ever after that they desire, but heartbreak and misery are a part of the real word. In Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, there are several negative aspects of love that prove his view of love. Shakespeare describes love as a conditional aspect, but that is false. Many people do not look at personality; they decide whether they like someone based on physical appearance. This is not a wise decision because that person may turn out to be rude, unintelligent and horrendous. Some people claim to be in love with someone who does not return their feelings. This may cause depression. Meanwhile, others take advantage of unrequited love when the person is wealthy. Some people even befriend the wealthy for selfish…show more content…
Some people might even use others for their money, which is a cruel and poor act. In Twelfth Night, Sebastian agrees to marry Olivia when she proposes to him, simply because she is wealthy. "I'll follow this good man and go with you, / And having sworn truth, ever will be true"(4.3.32-33). Sebastian is not considered to be a wealthy man, so when Olivia, a wealthy Illyrian lady who he has never met before proposes to him, he accepts without asking any questions. This marriage does not contain true love because Olivia only likes Sebastian's appearance and Sebastian only marries Olivia for her Money. Sir Toby also decides to make money an important factor in his life. Thus, Sir Toby makes friends with a wealthy fool, Sir Andrew so that Sir Toby can spend Sir Andrew's money on useless items that he desires. "Why he has three thousand ducats a year (1.3.18). Sir Toby uses friendship as an excuse to spend Sir Andrew's money for selfish purposes. People who use another for their money, are often considered "Gold Diggers". Shakespeare uses Gold Diggers to display a negative view of
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