George Washington State University Case Study

462 Words2 Pages
Institution type: Institution of Higher Education Washington State University: provide an impartial, neutral and confidential process that facilitates fair and equitable resolutions to concerns that arise within the university. George Washington University mission statement is “commits itself to excellence in the creation, dissemination, and application of knowledge” Washington State University Description & Examples Cultural Phenomenon The university promotes a holistic culture focusing both on academics but also the ability to pursue arts for the students. This is founded upon promoting a string sense of community Norms & Mores: Mainly focused on academics and takes pride in the research breakthroughs Formal & Informal Rules: Rules are strictly adhered to…show more content…
This is enhanced by the fact that the school is so close to the White house Norms & Mores: Given the location of the school, the political dynamics of the institution is vibrant and taken seriously. Formal & Informal Rules: Rules are strictly adhered to and students can be easily discharged for breaking the established rules. Routine Procedures: Policies and regulations play and critical role in ensuring that the administrative activities and effects it had on the community on day to day basis is running smoothly Rewarded or Punished Behaviors: Students and faculty breaking any rules are held accountable following the guidelines laid out in by the University policies Customs: Institution has a lasting record that has been passed over the years in sports and spirit groups. Folkways & Myths: No notables folkways and myths Rituals & Ceremonies: There are several cornerstone events that are held every calendar year in the university. They include fall fest and freshman

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