George Washington Leadership Traits

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In 1775, thirteen colonies began their fight for the freedom that we as a country are privileged to today. These American colonist were originally colonies of Great Britain, and were fearful of the corruption within the British Parliament. Essentially this rebellion was an economic one. The issue was the excessive taxation on the colonies which brought the issue of taxation without representation . Battles of Lexington and Concord began the armed conflicts in the war which led to years of fighting between the American Colonist and the British. In October of 1781 it came down to the Battle that would end this war winning the Americans independence, the Battle of Yorktown. This was considered the “climatic battle” (…show more content…
George Washington is considered the greatest leader in American military history, and rightly so. As a leader, he lacked much experience in leading large Armies of men. He didn't have a perfect career, and he did fail but he also never quit. His first assignment as the Commanding officer of the Continental Army was to mold a disordered Army into an effective military force against the greatest military of that time. Regardless of his lack of experience, Washington's strong presence along with other strengths gave the Americans a confidence they may not have had with any other leader. He was a leader who could learn from others, as he learned many vital principles from British Officers in his experiences fighting them. A leader that seeks wisdom from others can use their experience against his enemy, just as Washington did. He knew from prior experiences the weaknesses within the British formations, such as their poor fighting ability in predominantly dense areas. In the planning process, Washington actually had other plans on how to approach the British in Yorktown, but instead he took into consideration all the opinions of his French Allies. By listening to others, rather than making an immediate decision, Washington devised a plan that brought success and nonetheless independence to the Americans. Washington brought a strong sense of fortitude to the Battle at Yorktown, and his command instincts anchored together a force that endured his more experienced

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