General Patton: A Transactional Leader

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A transactional leader is defined as somebody, in this case the leader who focuses on the role of supervision, organization, and group performance. In this form of leadership followers obey all orders given. When they succeed in completing orders in a positive way they are rewarded. If the orders are not completed they are punished. It is assumed that in this way people perform the best since there is a definite chain of command and tasks are clear as well as what is expected of each follower. The leader is in control and little input, if any is given by the followers. General Patton was a transactional leader. He used an autocratic style of leadership to lead his men in war. He was stubborn and strong willed, two important traits that seemed…show more content…
General Patton’s particular skill set was especially valuable for the times and circumstances that he was in. At the time Patton assumed command of U.S. Army fighting the Nazis, victory was by no means certain or even presumed. A strong, confident leader was called for. In Patton, U.S. troops found a sure and steady force that was nearly mythological in stature, a pose that Patton absolutely fostered because he had studied other great autocratic leaders throughout history that had risen above difficult circumstances to build entire empires. Patton came to represent the hope of American confidence to both his troops and to the public at large. They rallied around a strong authoritarian leader because they themselves felt helpless and demoralized. It no doubt often seemed like there was no good solutions. Yet, Patton portrayed himself, as someone walking on air, above the dirt and confusing fog of war, with absolute certainty of his

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