Of Mice And Men Lennie And George's Relationship

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“Raggedy Man, goodbye,” are the last words Amelia Pond, a fictional character in the BBC’s, or British Broadcasting Corporation’s, Science-Fiction television show Doctor Who, says to the Doctor, right before being sent back in time by the touch of a Weeping Angel. The Doctor’s best friend is gone, never to be seen or heard from again. In the book Of Mice and Men, George Milton, a migrant worker in the Great Depression, is put in a similar situation. His best friend, Lennie Small, also disappears, leaving immense pain and despair. John Steinbeck, in his novel Of Mice and Men, shows that the bond between two people can grow to be seemingly indestructible, but sometimes that bond can break and diminish to a distant memory of what it once was. Right after being…show more content…
Although George is a good friend to Lennie, he can be a bit harsh. Sometimes George can be meaner than he intends to be towards Lennie, which Lennie then takes in the wrong way because of his mental disability. Lennie’s condition is greatly misunderstood because of the lack of knowledge on the topic during the time period. One time, George was complaining about what he could do if he did not have Lennie to drag around everywhere. After George stops talking about all the possibilities of what could be instead of what is, Lennie asks, “‘George, you want I should go away and leave you alone . . . I could go off in the hills there. Someplace I’d find a cave’” (Steinbeck 12). Realizing how he made Lennie feel, in response George says, “‘I been mean, ain’t I . . . I was
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