Loyalty Prevail Forever In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Trust and Loyalty Prevail Forever In the book Of mice and men. The author, John Steinbeck has created many relationships between some characters some of them are very casual and some are very dependent on each other. One of the relationships that consist in this book is the relationship of Lennie and George. However this relationship became much more stronger throughout the book.Not all relationships have such strong bond between them.Steinbeck has created a relationship between two strangers like two brothers that is represented by Lennie and George’s relationship which can be witnessed throughout the book.Steinbeck has created a relationship between two strangers like two brothers that is represented by Lennie and George’s relationship…show more content…
An’ why?Because ..because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and that’s why.”(Steinbeck 14). Although George hated Lennie company and his childish ways, but he still took care of him as he trusted and relied on him for his work. Even in times of trouble George kept supporting and taking care of Lennie. George even stayed with Lennie after the wee incident and he didn’t abandon him as he cared about him. George kept commanding Lennie for his Lennie’s good. Even Lennie took care of George and got hyper when Crooks said what if George was hurt and he could not come back “Le’s say he wants to come back and can’t. S’pose he gets killed or hurt so he can’t come back”(Steinbeck 71) and then Lennie gets very scared and frightened that he unintentionally scares Crooks “Crooks saw the danger as it approached him. He edged back on his bunk to get out of the way. “I was just supposin’,he said. “George ain’t hurt. He’s all right. He’ll be back all right” (Steinbeck 72).Although Crooks was just asking a question that wasn’t true Lennie got scared and frightened as he didn’t want anyone to hurt George. In a way both of them took care of each

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