Four Spiritual Law

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Part ONE - Evangelistic Method #1 The four spiritual laws is a style of evangelism developed by Bill Bright. The style can be found in the pamphlet Have You Heard of the Four Spiritual Laws? It was an attempt by Bright to display the truth simply, so it could be shared with many. It is the method used by Campus Crusade for Christ. It departed from previous methods in that the approach first spoke of God's love for humanity, instead of focusing on man's sinful nature. Bright first published the method in 1957. The method has been highly successful in creating disciples. The method breaks down the message of the Bible into four basic spiritual laws. The laws are listed as follows: "1. God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life. (John…show more content…
It is suggested that God is made known through the beauty of his holiness. The example of a life lived in communion with God then draws people to the beauty of holiness and allows for conversion. God builds his own character into believers, and puts those believers on display to non-believers. A lifestyle of peace emerges from believers and creates curiousity in non-believers. Evangelism isn't something Christians ought to do for a short time and stop, it's a way of existing. The method focuses on building relationships with neighbors, rather than seeing people as projects. The method compares evangelism with playing beautiful music for others to hear. It recommends having strong integrity, a caring nature, and a helpful attitude. It recommends becoming slaves to non-believers and assisting them and loving them. Through this kindness, the beauty of a connection to God is revealed to secularists. As the integrity of the believer is perceived by the non-believer, they are more and more interested in what the believer has to say as well. This is the opportunity to share the message of the gospel. The method suggests that believers can often look down on those still consumed by the world, but should more pity them, and consider them victims of the evil one. Non-believers should be seen as blind ones who need the help of believers who have been…show more content…
Lifestyle evangelism is a great way to set a good example of what a good Christian life looks like. Lifestyle evangelism is a way for non-believers to see the example of what Christianity does in the life of the believer, and be drawn to it. The method makes evangelism a lifestyle, and it focuses on building relationships daily. This is advantageous because it puts believers on a life-long mission for living well and caring for others. An example of good integrity and character is often more powerful than a thousand
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