Aquinas Arguments Of The Euthyphro Dilemma

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The Euthyphro Dilemma, is an argument that is named after Plato’s dialogues. This dilemma exists for anyone who holds certain basic tenets about what God is. God may be defined as omnipotent, omniscience, omnibenevolent and all perfect. Depending on what many people choose to see him as, eventually, one runs afoul at least one of these basic tenets. This dilemma states: Is the pious loved by the Gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is loved by the Gods? St. Aquinas, St. Anselm, and Paley all have a perspective towards God’s existence and their arguments in which I will be discussing. To begin, St. Aquinas believes that God is all powerful and that God is the being; therefore, he discusses five objections that he provides to explain…show more content…
Second, he states his argument from efficient cause, the sequence of cause which make up this universe that must have a cause. In other words, if causes are proportioned to the effect, God must be as finite as the universe. Thirdly, Aquinas has the argument to necessary being which means that since all existent things depend upon other things for their existence, the existence of at least one thing that is not dependent and so is a necessary being. His fourth objection is the argument from gradation since all existent things can be compared to such qualities as degree of goodness, then there should exist something that is an absolutely good being. Lastly, his fifth objection is the argument from design, the intricate design and order of existent things and natural processes imply that a great designer exists. According to Perry, Bratman, and Fischer, since nature works for a definite end under the direction of a higher…show more content…
For example, he compares the watch with God and the maker of the watch with the universe. He comes up with eight objections. One of his objections is the first one, where he states how it is so that we have never seen a watch made (the universe) or know that anyone is capable of making a watch (the universe). His response to that is that just because we do not know the artist or his skill set, it does not make us question whether there was in fact an artist that created it. Another objection he makes a good point is his third objection. He states that some parts of the watch (universe) seem to have no apparent function, but just because we do not know the purpose of some parts does not mean it serve s no function. The design is evident by taking the whole of the watch in consideration. The most interesting objection is his fifth objection, when he explains that there is a law or principle that disposed the watch (universe) to be in that form. In other words, if there is a law then there must be a lawgiver with the power to enforce the law, because a principle of order cannot cause or create the universe. Paley makes a great point in determining a watch that is manufactured and unknown still appreciate the artist, and have the same opinion for the universe having its own unknown artist. It is said that God is the creator of all creations, but how can that be if no one has seen the actual artist.

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