Summary Of Kandinsky: The Philosophy Of Art

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“The true work of art is born from the Artist: a mysterious, enigmatic, and mystical creation. It detaches itself from him, it acquires an autonomous life, becomes a personality, an independent subject, animated with a spiritual breath, the living subject of a real existence of being”(Kandinsky as cited by Solso, 1996). This Kandinsky quote describes precisely his philosophy for art. Kandinsky's artwork can be classified into four groups which are lyrical, geometrical, humanistic and realistic. The most abstract art style is the lyrical style which literally non-objective painting. Lyrical abstract is when the artist no longer responds to materialistic objects but use organized form and colors to construct the artist vision of reality instead…show more content…
Geometrical abstract panting will have shapes, lines and colors arranged in a pattern that is non objective which people have claim to be the bridge to nirvana (Lindsay, 1982). In Kandinsky's Geometrical paintings some elements of cubism can be found but expanded on with a revolutionary twist. Every geometrical will contain scientific or philosophical elements unlike the lyrical which contains musical elements. Coloration to reality in this group of artwork is zero, which makes it a non-objective artwork. Kandinsky Black and Violet for example is non-objective but contains geometrical shapes such as triangles which have strong philosophical symbolism. The circles and conflicting colors on the other hand symbolized a major scientific break through which was the discovery of atoms they were imagined to be composed of positive and negative electrical charges and had a circular form. One of the most obvious colors which conflict is the black and white which in this painting is painting next to one another to construct an irregular shape. Geometrical paintings tend to be abstract artistic philosophical and scientific ideals assimilated to make art. The fusion is created by using shapes that symbolizes these ideals which is why circles, triangles and conflicting colors appear in every geometrical paintings in different patters. A more civilized abstract style of Kandinsky must be his Humanistic art

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