Restorative Church Essay

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INTRODUCTION This chapter describes the importance of the Roman Catholic Church in modern life and the ability of an affective church setting in allowing the churchgoers to reflect, meditate, and contemplate to spiritual things. This chapter also consist the Background of the Study, Statement of the Problem, Significance of the Study, and Scope and Limitation of the study. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In the Philippines, and in many other nations, religion is considered not only restricted as to one’s spiritual relationship with God, but also as a way of life. In Roman Catholicism, contemplation and meditation is given importance in the art and act of worship. St. Thomas Aquinas wrote: "It is necessary for the good of the human community that people should devote themselves to the life of contemplation" (Gress, 2008). Oftentimes, the inner peace of people may be robbed off by excessive worry, anxiety, and fear. The stresses from modern life…show more content…
This behavior is one of the bases of this study in designing an affective physical space of church setting. This study examines the ability of church to serve as a restorative setting in the context of Attention Restoration Theory and answers the following questions: • What is the importance of restorative church setting in the modern life of the churchgoers? • How can a church serve as a restorative setting in the framework of Attention Restoration Theory? • What is the relevance of an affective church setting to the contemplation and meditation of churchgoers? • What are the effects of restorative setting to the contemplation and meditation of churchgoers in visiting church? • How does restorative setting affect the contemplation and meditation of churchgoers in visiting church? • What are the key physical environmental variables that affect the contemplation and meditation of churchgoers in visiting church? Scope and Limitation of the

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