Fight Club: Dissociative Identity Disorder

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Introduction The character in the cult classic “Fight Club” named Jack suffers with Dissociative Identity Disorder, formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder. This disorder is often difficult to diagnose. This is one of the most highly debated disorders with no clear diagnosis and treatment. A person with DID will have 2 or more differing, distinct personalities that “take turns” controlling the person’s behavior. The following dissociative symptoms are: amnesia, fugue and depersonalization. Most patients with this disorder report childhood sexual and/or physical abuse. This paper will discuss the symptoms of DID shown within the movie as well as the inconsistencies with classic DID. Symptoms of DID Consistent in Movie In “Fight Club”, Jack takes on the persona of Tyler Durden. Jack has memory lapses which are consistent with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Tyler Durden is a…show more content…
Dissociative Identity Disorder is classically diagnosed mainly in women in a ratio of 9 times more often than men. Jack did not share in the movie that he had a childhood of abuse, neglect and/or sexual abuse like classic sufferers of DID; Instead, Jack’s dead-end job and structure of society were the catalyst for the development of the psychological disorder. This movie portrays Dissociative Identity Disorder as the “savior” for Jack; in a sense, this disorder rescued Jack from living a dull, monotonous, consumerist life, and the personality Tyler helped him embrace passion, feeling and his masculinity. In reality, Jack’s prognosis would not be very good with the co-morbid issues like self-harm, suicidal tendencies and suicide attempts. His life would be ended in reality, or at best, he would have ended up in jail. In the life of someone with DID, this disorder can complicate, alter and often destroy one’s life. This disorder is the tragedy rather than the

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