Tom Clancy's Accomplishments

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The great and well accomplished life of Tom Clancy started on April 12, 1947 when he was born into the family of Thomas Clancy and Catherine Clancy. Tom Clancy was the middle child of three, and he was required to attend the private school of Catholic Loyola Blakefield. At a very young age he acquired an interest in military history especially with the works of the naval historian Samuel Eliot Morison, which according to many web articles, was his inspiration for becoming a military writer. While I was reading, I found that Tom Clancy had a major interest in the advancing of ever changing weapons produced by the world’s greatest nations, and I found that he also invoked this fascination into many of his best-selling titles (…show more content…
Bowen Agency in 1980, and he later purchased it from his wife’s grandmother. While working at the insurance agency, Tom Clancy got the inspiration for his first book and bestseller “The Hunt for Red October”. Tom Clancy received substantial fame with his very first book, and he got the inspiration for his first successful writing by researching about an article centered on the failed attempt of a Soviet ship’s crew to mutiny and defect to the West ( Shortly after writing his first book; Ronald Regan praised Tom Clancy’s writing which in result boosted the sales of his first book greatly. After this great start, he then signed a contract for his next three books. Tom Clancy, during all of his success, lived on an estate in Calvert County, Maryland which also used to be a summer camp while interestingly enough it had a World War II-era M4 Sherman tank courtesy of his first wife ( When Tom Clancy was married to Wanda Thomas King, they had four children together, and they all have achieved fame, but they were not as lucrative compared to their father. After Tom Clancy’s literary career took off with a very prominent future, several of his books have become major motion pictures with very influential stars appearing in most of them. As if acquiring high budget films was not enough for Tom Clancy, he would eventually develop his own gaming studio.…show more content…
Such rewards included received the Alfred Thayer Mahan Award for Literary Achievement form the Navy League of the United States in 1990, and Clancy was only one of two authors who have sold two million copies on a first printing in the 1990s ( Clancy has received much acknowledgement for his technical accuracy, and this particular part of his stories led to him meeting of a great number of officials. Through many of Clancy’s moments of his life, he has received large sums of money for the rights of a great total of his books. He has received millions from single companies so they could use his works in video games, movies, TV shows, and etc. I find the most interesting part of the many deals Tom Clancy took part in was when a French gaming company bought out the ability to incorporate his name into any game for an undisclosed amount, and I also found out that Clancy, with a group of investors, bought the Baltimore Orioles from Eli Jacobs

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