Xclusives Card Case Study

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Descriptive part: A. Situation analysis • Xclusives card offers 25% refund or 10-25% discount for its customers, the card is accepted in more than 500 outlets and more than 70 brands in Egypt. The service type is possession processing because its directed to physical things and customers are less physically involved with the service, customers just give the card to any of these outlets or brands, get the service done which is the discount, take the card back and leave. The card gives the customer discount on different brands and outlets, so the card itself is the core product which is the central component that provide the benefits customers seek for. The product has some supplementary services that facilitating the use of the core product…show more content…
How did this company apply such concepts on its service? In the 1st concept the company started to call people on their phones explaining to them its service, how to use it and all the information they need to know about the service and after convincing them the company begin to full the applications with them or the contract, after that the company asks the customer to recommend some of their friends that will use their service and finally the company delivers the card to its customers’ homes, they don’t have to come to the branch to deliver their cards. The 2nd concept for those customers that are want to decrease them perceive risk or to know extra detailed information they can go to the branch and communicate directly with the company. As for the 3rd concept the company use it with the people who are already know everything about the service so the company send to their customers all the updates of the service by SMS, E-mail or the FB page. The company is spreading its reputation and all information about the service depending on their customer’s word of mouth and also depends on the direct personal selling with its customers. So these are the ways that the Xclusive Company distribute their…show more content…
It also is the first to enter the market in such an industry in Egypt which makes it enjoy the credibility and reliability that people seek in such cards. Such experience and credibility opens opportunities for the brand like increase customer loyalty and word of mouth. The fact that Exclusive is the market leader against its competitors such as Bogo and Discovery in prices, offers and market share it opens many opportunities including brand awareness and word of mouth. Actually Exclusive doesn’t make any advertising now as its depending on word of mouth to increase brand awareness and customer acquisition. Social media is a huge beneficial for Exclusive as it has its own website and Facebook page which enhances customer interaction and it also has an application on mobile devices on Appstore and play store to be closer to consumers, it also makes promotions with brands for example toys are us and exclusive made a deal to offer 50 percent discount on a decided month while the rest of the year has its normal 15 or 20 percent discount. On the other hand, Exclusive faces problems such as keeping the brands that it made contracts with under the deal they made as such brands can close in certain regions which will result in losses to Exclusive. Another problem is the brands that

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