Feminism In The 20th Century

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Women throughout history have been seen as the weaker sex and so it is not surprising that in the nineteenth century they took it upon themselves to outwardly show their discontent with their situation. Feminism come to light with the “first wave” the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA)in 1869 by Susan B. Anthony and other efforts in the twentieth century when women's liberation was seen in terms of "human" liberation. These struggles led to the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment in the U.S. Constitution, enfranchising American women ,mostly white, in 1920(Feminism: Overview). The outburst of their discontentment started with the world wars, which most of their men were deployed for. In this age, women felt liberated than they ever had, yet when the men came back their jobs were being swept off their feet. Jobless women all over America were furious as to the now out word injustice.…show more content…
This was the first account of an African American women's defiance in mainstream society. After her work none other than Sojourner Truth took a bold stance at the women's rights convention in Akron , ohio on june 21 1851 later edited by Marcus Robinson(Butler). Truth made mention of quite a lot of points in her essay that many activists use today stating: “I have plowed and reaped and husked and chopped and mowed, and can any man do more than that?” her sorrow not only came from the injustice she received as a slave but as a woman just like other women at her time she had to partake in hard labor yet with all her hard work she was deemed as less than a man. Surgerner as a woman did not even have the chance to care for her children as she should have instead they were taken away from her(Butler).african Americans desperately needed a support group but when they turned to the popular NWSA they were

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