Female Genital Mutilation Essay

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Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), also known as radical female circumcision, has had an increase of attention and disapproval from the west in the last 20 years. In a world health organization report of 1996 it was found that FGM is practiced in 28 countries, some being Asian and north and central African countries and even by immigrants in western countries as well. This practice is performed on more than 2 million women (600,000 being in Africa). It ranges from partial clitoridectomy to fully excising the clitoris, labia minora, and majora, which is then followed by infibulation (stitching the vulva while leaving a small opening for urine and menstrual blood). This practice has no specific religious mandate and it is not derive any textual basis but it is a cultural…show more content…
But it's more complicated than that. The defenders of this practice argue from apparently rational standpoint. One of these standpoints argues that cultural relativism, instead of universalism, should be used as a basis for establishing moral norms and legislation. An obvious logical contradiction between the want to for universal human rights and at the same time excepting the different parts of each culture to determine its own ethical standards. First and second wave western feminism has depended on establishing universal rights for women. But new wave feminists have critiqued these theories and have instead demanded the recollection of the differences between women. These new wave feminists say that early feminist views have have alleged that all women are of the same nature which in turn cause basic differences between women of different cultures to be ignored. These differences are so fundamental in places that "some African-American feminist claim, for example, That there blackness precludes there sharing of feminist beliefs of the white

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