Family Interview Report

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Introduction Isay writes (2013) "Ten years and more then fifty thousand interviews later story corps stands as the largest collection of non celebrater voices ever gathered in history--- indeed this stands as the largest collection of any voices ever gathered in history: almost one hundred thousand participants, recorded in more then one thousand locationsand in all fifty states; eighteen terabytes of data, with hundreds of stories brodcast accross the nation and around the worl" (p.1-2) I chose to interview my parents for my story corps project becase story corps is all about celebrating the uncelebrated and I personaly cannot think of anyone else in the world that deserves to be celebrated other then the two people that raised me and made me who I am today. My parents got divorced when i was two years…show more content…
My older brother, Lucas, and I share the same parents. I have a younger half brother on my moms side and a younger half sister and two older step sisters on my fathers side. Lucas and I lived with my mom right after my parents split up but my dad ended up taking us eventually. While we lived with my mom she worked realy hard so that she could support us, she often would bring us to work with her because we had nowhere else to go. My dad had left and was working but couldnt manage to keep a job between alcohol and drugs. My dad took my brother and I because my mom wasnt able to bring us to work anymore and she thought that because my dad had family and more support we would be better off at the moment. My mom lived in Connecticut and i moved to montana with my dad when i was in the third grade. living in montana landed me about 3000 miles away from my mom. The ditances between us made seeing eachother hard but never took anything sagnificant away from our relationship. My older brother and i got to see her once or twice a year durring our summer vacation and every other christmas. My father was

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