National Crime Victimization Survey Research Paper

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National Crime Victimization Survey The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) was first generated in 1972. The construction of the survey was originally ordered by the Bureau of Justice Statistics. NCVS is the second major source of statistical data about the crime in the United States of America; behind the Uniform Crime Reporting Program (URC). It is a nationwide survey that interviews roughly 50,000 to 77,500 homes twice a year. The survey emphases on the crime victimization, along with the consequences and characteristics of victimization. The NCVS is based on a victim’s self-designed information instead of law enforcement agency reports. The NCVS was generated by the Administration of Justice, the President’s Commission on Law Enforcement,…show more content…
The simple demographic statistics, such as income, age, gender, and race are also composed to generate an analysis of crime by numerous…show more content…
The purpose of the results is for the structure of the crime index. “The NCVS is administered to person age 12 or older from a nationally representative sample of households in the United States… the household remains in the sample for three years, and eligible persons in these households are interviewed every six months either in person or over the phone for a total of seven interviews (Planty, 2012)”. However, a problem with the validity of the National Crime Victimization Survey is that the data is only collected twice a year, not everyone will report the crimes that have been committed, and the police who report the crimes do not report the full amount of crimes that were committed in their jurisdiction. The lack of truth on the survey opposes a problem because, it misinforms the public by persuading them to believe that the crime rate in the Mazzella

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