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Theological Reflection on the Movie Fallen Fallen is a thought-provoking -person narrative film that begins and ends with the voice of the film’s narrator and protagonist, Azazel. The movie, which is based on his personal story, opens with an intriguing self-introduction that snares the audience’s attention from the outset: “I want to tell you about the time I almost died.” As the movie proceeds, Azazel reveals that he is responsible for killings, as well as the false indictment and subsequent suicide of a detective named John Hobbes. Azazel himself is described as an “evil spirit of the wilderness.” Where Genesis 1 and John 1 narrate all thigs to have been created by God, Genesis 3:15 explicitly mentions an enmity between humans and the serpent.…show more content…
It seems that either the producer had some supernatural experiences that left some unanswered questions for him, or that the he wanted to express the helplessness that we as humans might face against the evil forces. I saw Hobbes’ bravery and later his anxiety to learn about Azazel. The biggest question for me was “Where is God in the movie?” Was it by chance that the auteur forgot to explicitly integrate the existence and power of God into the film, or was he successful in implicitly referencing God through Ms. Milano’s question, “Detective, do you believe in God?”? The movie also provides a fragile introduction to God’s sovereignty. It appears to have been the filmmaker’s intent to present God as an absent character; one who is not much awaited or longed for, and a God who is not interested in intervening. Was the author trying to express his fears and doubts about God’s power and reality? The scene showing Hobbes escaping his house also points to a syringe lying beside his dead brother indicates use of material. (This is reminiscent of Galatians 5:17.) Azazel has won the temptation and has left a mark on bodies of all that have died in the movie with the ominous warning, “If you can, do not let others notice you, otherwise you will regret.” If this is the case, what hope can we place in Psalm…show more content…
Milano, fear the devil more than God. Repeatedly, the movie focuses on words and themes like, “If you know, you should never ever tell.” Ms. Milano speaks of the fallen angels, saying that “they are inside of us,” and that “their vengeance is played out.” It makes me question how humans can escape from the eyes of Satan and God. Is it not true that when Moses and Jesus were born, Satan was active to kill these babies, but God was observant, took charge to save their lives and created ways to communicate the message to save their lives?In the movie, I waited until the last scene to see God’s intervention. I believe that Hobbes’ acceptance to Ms. Milano’s home and promise to take Hobbes’ nephew serves as God’s intervention and was an opportunity for Hobbes to have asked Ms. Milano to pray with him before escaping her home. The movie could have shown Ms. Milano praying before or after Hobbes leaves her home. She is seen hugging him which indicates blessing and good wishes, while his nephews’ words depict faith in his uncle’s innocence. I am reminded of God’s availability even when it may not “seem like He is

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