Fairies In Midsummer Night's Dream

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No two people among this Earth are the same, Whether it be now, within the 21st century, or back in the 1500s, it’s an idea that everyone can surely believe in. One thing many can relate to is high school, where you see the different social circles - the popular, the athletic, the nerds. Then within those circles you can list of characteristic that you’ll start to notice within each individual. It was no different back in the 1500s and it’s most certainly not any different within Shakespeare’s works. In Midsummer Night’s Dream, the ‘society’ within the play is characterized into three group - the Athenians, Craftsmen, and Fairies. These three groups show similarities within themselves, despite their slightly contradicting personalities, but…show more content…
The fairies are shown to be constantly happy as they’re always singing and dancing. Though a major literary device Shakespeare uses for them is rhyme and a trochaic meter. When the first fairy had appeared, her lines were, “Over hill, over dale,/ Thorough bush, thorough brier,/ Over park, over pale,/ Thorough flood, thorough fire,...”(2.1.2). Right away there is a mid-sentence and end rhyme with a pattern of - abcd abcd. Then when reading you’ll also notice that you stress one syllable, then unstress the next. Within the first line, you’ll stress the “o”, unstress the “ver”, then stress “park”, then continues on. Shakespeare did often use such literary devices when depicting mythical creatures and it was no exception for the fairies. For the minor fairy roles, it gave them a happy, light feeling - much like one of a fairy tale. Oberon also rhymes frequently, and he uses rhyme to give his language the effect of incantation. The formality of the rhyme reflects his power as king of the fairies. Comparing to the Athenians and Craftsmen, the fairies are a unique character of their own. They share aspects with both as Oberon and Titania can relate to the motif of love from the Athenians, and the fairies as a whole can relate to the light, cheerful ways of the
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