To Kill A Mockingbird Social Injustice

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Social Injustice is the inequitable or unfair distribution of assets, supplies, possibilities, or responsibilities. This can include any type of despotism or tyranny that averts individuals from utilizing free will or exercising their complete potential. People that are victims of this injustice can be treated in a variety of inhumane or unfair ways. This could mean that they do not have the liberty to participate in political opportunities or they are restricted from working. This type of Social Injustice is mainly seen in the Middle Eastern countries, nevertheless it also exists in the United States. It can also mean that they are not given everyday resources that they should be naturally entitled to such as food, clothing, or a home…show more content…
In today’s society, Social Injustice is a major issue. It was also a major factor in the early-to-mid 1900’s when the groundbreaking book To Kill a Mockingbird was written. A comparison of Social Injustice in these two time periods would be gender bias. In To Kill a Mockingbird, after the trial and guilty verdict of innocent Tom Robinson, Jem is shocked and becomes inquisitive. He seeks answers from Atticus, his lawyer father, about why “people like us and Miss Maudie” don’t ever sit and serve on juries. Atticus replies by telling Jem that women are not allowed to serve on juries. Since this book is set in the 1930’s, women had only been able to vote for 10 years. This is comparable to the present day, because women are still looked at as inferior. Men in certain job positions are paid more than women in the same position for reasons such as age, race or location. Another comparison of injustice from now and then would be race discrimination. The Tom Robinson trial in To Kill a Mockingbird was solely based on discrimination, and Tom was given the guilty verdict simply because a white man’s word…show more content…
A Social Injustice that differs from today in the To Kill a Mockingbird or early to mid 1900’s society would be the Jim Crow Laws. These laws obviously do not exist in the present day society, because they were abolished on July 2, 1964. American citizens today have the freedom to express themselves in any way they would choose, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, or social class. Everyone in America has the same rights and each individual abides under the same basic laws and constitution. Moreover, another reason that the contemporary society differs from the past is interracial churches. Present day churches and worship temples are open to all. In the book, Scout and Jem’s cook, Calpurnia, is looked at in slight dismay or disbelief. She brings white children to an all black church, which was very much looked down upon in those times and vice-versa. This moderately coincides with the Jim Crow laws, because of the laws of whites and blacks having to be separated in all
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