David Hume's Argument Essay

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David Hume is a known empiricist, skeptic, and philosopher often known for his philosophical depiction or empiricism, inductive reasoning, and the irrationality of the world which surrounds us. Hume’s work range from “A Treatise of Human Nature” published in 1739 to “An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding” published in 1748. Throughout these works, Hume made it apparent that his goal was to create a total, all-encompassing science to examine the psychological mind and nature of humanity. In oppositions to the rationalist movement of philosophy, driven by philosophers such as Descartes, Hume concluded that desire rather than reason was the driving force of decision making and human behavior. Hume argued against the existence of innate ideas, instead concluding that humans have knowledge of only things they directly experience. Furthermore, humans only means of gaining knowledge therefore, has to be experience. Hume also proposes the argument in “An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding” that if his picture of the mind is correct, than we are irrational when we judge that the sun will rise tomorrow. In order to gain an understanding of how this argument is to be made, one must understand the logic of the argument itself. Often times,…show more content…
I can imagine some situation where the sun will not rise tomorrow, however, I still think it is very likely that the sun shall rise. I do agree with Hume’s skepticism regarding human understanding and the danger of inductive reasoning insofar as to question and find the very source of human knowledge, however I must still rely on this reasoning as a product of induction to continue to live my life without being continuously fearful of every possible outcome the world may

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