Ladder Of Prejudice Summary

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The execution of six million Jewish people. The Holocaust started when dictator of Germany, Adolf Hitler, spread his hate to everyone. The Ladder of Prejudice explains how genocide begins through how hitler takes over the whole city and decides to kill the jew race. An analysis of the Holocaust processes the Ladder of Prejudice was followed by discrimination,speech , and extermination by the Germans toward Jewish people, Gypsies, Homosexuals and other various types of people. Discrimination An analysis of the Holocaust processes the Ladder of Prejudice was followed by discrimination,speech , and extermination by the Germans toward Jewish people, Gypsies, Homosexuals and other various types of people. The Germans thought these people were inferior.…show more content…
The Nazi Party gained control of the German state. Jewish immigrants were denied and discriminated in many ways. Native Jews were not allowed citizenship. Jews were forbidden to live in marriages or to have any contact with German blood. Jews we're denied the right to vote. Jews we're denied the right to hold public office or civil service. They were denied to certain city areas, sidewalks, transportation, places of amusement, restaurants. Medicine was forbidden for them. They were denied employment of press and radio. They were excluded from stock exchanges and stock brokerage. exclude from farming, business in general and from the economic life of Germany. They were forced to pay unfair taxes and huge fines. Their homes, bank accounts, and real estate were all taken away. The Jewish children were only allowed to attend Jewish schools. Most of the people died within just a few hours of arriving in Auschwitz. All the death camps were working the same army liberated one of the concentration camp. They found 40,000 bodies in mass graves and some unburied brutally (Sheehan

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