Examples Of Defending Ideologies

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Defending Ideologies Our world today consists of individuals and groups of people who have many different systems of beliefs (ideologies) for which they stood up for and at some point have had to fight to the death for. Some believe in liberalism, some in communism, some in collectivism, and some believe in individualism among other things. On the issue of Equal rights and freedoms, I have decided that my position is definitely for. I have recently discovered that I am more liberal than conservative and the issue of equal rights and freedoms is a very intricate part of modern liberalism which is about "extending freedom in equality beyond white males and extending it to minorities, women, people with disabilities, etc." Some of my main…show more content…
Others believe that their race is superior and look down on and are not accepting of people that look different and have different skin colours. Certain authorities think that the equal rights amendment would also legalize that granting of marriage license to homosexuals which would go against their religious views. Others think that it jeopardizes single sex schools and programs such as fraternities sororities, girl scouts and boy scouts. Despite all these objections I believe that at the end of the day we are all human beings and no matter what an individual's religious views may be, their gender, their sexual orientation, their age, their race, their skin colour their national or ethnic origin, their marital status or whatever their citizenship may be they should all be treated with the same dignity and respect and should not be discriminated against its just not right think that some lives are more valuable than

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