Examples Of Co-Branding

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Co-branding reflects the true image of branding, which has to do with innovation and distinctiveness, it is a unique way to increase the influence of brands, enter new markets, reduce costs through economies of scale and refresh a brand’s image. Co-branding offers the chance to create an entirely new income stream or to raise sales of existing products. Moreover, it may bring instant credibility to new products in marketplace. Co-branding is a widely used business strategy in industries like food, drinks, air travel and financial services. Co-branding has defined as the pairing of two or more branded products to form a separate and unique product. Park, Jun and shocker (1996). In addition; Blackett and Boad (1999, xvi) present co-branding…show more content…
GoPro Company doesn’t only sell portable cameras and on the other side Red Bull doesn’t just sell energy drinks, but both of them have presented themselves as lifestyle brands. In order to make the partnership works, GoPro provides athletes and adventurers around the world with the appropriate tools to record different incidents , such as sport races, stunts and action sport events on video from different perspectives, including the athlete’s perspective. At the same time, Red Bull Company uses its wide experiences and reputation to run and sponsor these events. How do both companies complement each other? Sean Eggert, Red Bull’s director of sport marketing answers this question ‘’ GoPro camera technology is allowing us to compliment the programming by delivering new athlete perspective that have never been seen before’’. This collaboration authorizes GoPro content to enhance both companies’ growth. A very good example of their biggest collaboration stunt they have done was ‘’Stratos’’. In which Felix Baumgartner jumped from a space pod more than 24 miles above Earth’s surface with many GoPro cameras that immortalized his…show more content…
Heilman, Bowman and Wright (2000). Moreover, Alba and Chattopadhyay (1985) found that a familiar product can reduce the inhabiting effect that popular and dominant brands have on lesser known brands. However, popular brands names increase the likelihood that a consumer might try new products which were presented by big markets or brands names. How does lesser known brand name enter such markets? According to Hillyer and Tikoo (1995) the strong brand with high brand equity can provide credibility to the other lesser known brand by serving as an augmenting cue in consumer evaluations. At the end Consumers estimate that high equity brands will only associate with other similar high equity brand. Co-branding can be an excellent way to grow a company without having to create expensive marketing campaigns, additionally this partnership creates a ‘’best of best worlds’’ relationship where each business benefits from the reputation and customer base of the other. However, co-branding should be launched with caution. If co-branding strategies are not performed correctly and cautiously, they can turn into absolute blunders. Conversely, if co-branding initiatives are correctly executed, then they would bring magnificent benefits to two branded

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