The cyber-attack on Ashley Madison, as well as its twin sister site, Established Men, supposedly insured by American International Group Inc. (AIG) and Axis Capital Holdings Ltd. (Axis), an online website that is meant to facilitate extra-marital affairs, was recently perpetrated, and announced as of the fifteenth of July in two thousand and fifteen. This attack shows the dangerous and expensive nature of cyber risk. The mid-July cyber-attack of the extramarital affair website, the perpetrating party
extent information about themselves is shared with others. At its extreme, privacy becomes anonymity when, for instance, a person uses it to conceal his or her true identity in order to cyber-bully someone else. Conversely, excessive privacy could also conceal the perpetrators of criminal, terrorist or computer hacking acts from law enforcement agencies. Security is he protection of hardware, software, machines and networks from unauthorised access. Security measures include restricted access to machines
the experts of course for being human and having curiosity worked on improving these services to something more, like getting the access to high secured files and information, first for fun then for harm. While the year 1970 witnessed the first hacking crime, when it was targeting the early computerized phones for accessing to long distance services by knowing the exact code that would help them (Alliance n.d.). So we see that this crime is actually aging half a century subtract with five years
8.0 E-business (Internet and digital marketing) With the advancement of information and communication technology (ICT), there has been a rapid development of e-businesses (E-business refers to the mechanism of doing business electronically using the web or email) throughout the world since the turn of the new millennium. In fact, e-business has become a standard operation for a large volume of businesses throughout the world. Malaysia is not left behind in this technology chase and the number of