Counselor Confidentiality Case Study

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1.Research counseling confidentiality and ethics statements/guidelines given to clients. Craft one that you would give to new clients. Why did you include what you did? Submit your finished document with a summary of your choices in the online classroom. “Counselor confidentiality is a term used to describe the responsibility of a therapist or counselor to hold any proprietary or personal information supplied by a patient in the strictest of confidence” ( New clients arriving at my facility will receive a documents about confidentiality. New clients will receive formal documentation of confidentiality, ethics, and guidelines. First, we should let all clients know about their privacy. The documents will also let the client know…show more content…
Although counselors should not release information about patients sometimes it is important that they do so. Explain to the client that their personal information will remind confidential from third parties. However, if a client become a threat or violent towards another person we will contact appropriate personnel’s. For example, if a client is threating suicide they can reach out to police for help. Furthermore, you we will contact authorizes if you become harmful to yourself. Other important information to put on the confidentiality forms is counselors or staff can’t date or have relationships with clients. All relationships must be professional. Each client will be treated with respect regardless of your age, sex, or race. Including all the above information on a confidentiality form help to protect the clients and staff. For instance, if the counselor release information about a client to someone without permission they can be sued and possibly…show more content…
However, you must have the documents required to do so. A consent must be signed in order for members to receive confidential information. Power of attorney is a form needed for information to be released. “In case of releasing information about a deceased client, consent forms are signed by the person who has power of attorney” (Meyers & Salt, 2007, p.41). For example, Fred wife wanted all of his private documents from his safe box at his bank when he died. She received access to his safe box when she provided the power of attorney for

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