Peter Singer Utilitarianism Analysis

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Peter Singer is a moral philosopher. He approaches ethical issues from a utilitarian and vegetarian stand view. In his essay, Utilitarianism and Vegetarianism, he argues that people who follow and apply the principles of utility should be vegetarians. Singer discuss and argues multiple points that back up his perspective on this topic. Singer believes that if one accept that pain is morally bad, then eating meat is bad on the grounds that it causes pain to animals. With that, Singer has four key ideas, first being that if utilitarianism is true, then pain and pleasure are the basis of all moral values. Second, animals experience pleasure and pain. Third, if pleasure and pain are the basis of all moral value, then animals are morally significant.…show more content…
His arguments are backed up by multiple sources and Singer’s goal is to persuade the audience into becoming vegetarians. The arguments he makes are very persuasive. Singer notes that there are three major ways that this argument supports full-fledged vegetarianism. First, it seems like utilitarianism gives good reasons to only avoid certain kinds of sourcing meats. Specifically it seems like factory farming should be avoided but that free-range organic methods of raising animals are morally neutral or good. Singer persuades his readers by reminding them that most meat on the market is from factories and secondly even if we raise livestock in humane ways before we kill and eat it. It brings it back to the third point, in which the animal will feel pain and therefore it is wrong to eat the animal. He backs up his claims by arguing against another philosopher, Tom Regan. Throughout the essay, he argues and brings up Regan’s viewpoints which is “Utilitarianism does not, provide adequate grounds for the obligation to be a vegetarian.” By doing so, Singer lists two different perspective on the topic and tries to persuade the reader into taking his side. He quotes Regan’s main ideas and would therefore list his argument

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