Essay On Malnutrition

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Growth is the best global indicator of a child’s well-being. Poor growth is closely linked to overall standards of living and the ability of people to meet their basic needs, such as food, housing and health care. Proper nutrition is required for adequate growth and development of the child. In developing countries, Malnutrition continues to be a primary cause of under-five morbidity and mortality. It is considered to be a major public health problem, as it accounts for about half of the child deaths worldwide. About 150 million children in developing countries are still undernourished and more than half of them live in South East Asia Region (SEAR) (1). Though the two terms undernutrition and malnutrition are being used substitutable, malnutrition is an extensive term that includes under-nutrition and over-nutrition. In this study, the term under-nutrition is used. Growth assessment is the single measurement that defines the nutritional and health status of children in a better way. The high levels of under nutrition in children pose a major challenge for the survival and development of the child. It is associated with many determinants like Age, Gender, Socio-economic status, Low birth weight, maternal literacy, feeding practices, antenatal and postnatal care, Immunisation, Parasitic infestations,…show more content…
Many customs are prevalent in India that affects morbidity and mortality children directly or indirectly. The Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) was a large program started with the objective of improving child health, nutrition and development of children below 6 years of age. Many of the health problems in children can be detected at an early stage by ICDS scheme through regular monitoring. As per WHO, health education and periodic measurement of height and weight if given in Anganwadis will reduce malnutrition among
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