Land Tenure System In Bolivia

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4.1.3 Bolivia Population Size and distribution: The population in Bolivia is around 10.6 million, and inequality in land distribution is a major challenge that exacerbates the division between the wealthy and the poor. Similar to Cambodia in Bolivia 60-70 percent of cultivatable land is held by a few thousand large landowners and in contrast 5-10 percent of the agricultural land in the same region is held by hundreds of thousands of indigenous smallholders. (USAID 2011) Land Tenure System: Land in Bolivia is unequally distributed with 92 percent of the cultivatable land held by large estates whilst the remaining 8 percent is being held by the rural poor of Bolivia. Furthermore the state abolished the traditional land tenure system and began…show more content…
(USAID 2011) Rural Development: In Brazil 80 percent of all its domestic agricultural products is produced and supplied from small and medium sized farms. Despite being the strongest economy in Latin America as well as a major supplier of agricultural produce, poverty is still widespread in Brazil and income inequality and social segregation remain at the root of rural poverty (Merco Press 2001) Constraints: In Brazil, inequality of land distribution, inadequate access to land by the poor, and insecure tenure are contributing factors to land degradation, destruction of forests, rural poverty, violence, human rights abuses, exploitation of rural workers, and migration to crime-ridden slums and shantytowns in urban areas. Obviously, there has never been an established land management system in the past to effectively distribute land ownership in Brazil. (IFAD, UN and the World Bank…show more content…
Tanzania’s population distribution is still heavily focused in the rural sector; therefore agriculture still plays an important role in the livelihood of the majority of the Tanzanian population. (USAID 2011) Land Tenure System: Land in Tanzania is the states property therefore land distribution is mainly dealt with by the state instead of individual communal groups. Rights over land is the under the control of the president and similar to PNG, foreigners are not eligible to purchase or own land in Tanzania. Land is however used solely by the natives of Tanzania and similar to Fiji, despite the land being the state property in Tanzania and managed by the ITaukei land trust board in Fiji, the natives still lease out land as they wish without consent from the state or from the ITaukei land trust board. (Survivor

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