Essay On Goodfellas

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Goodfellas is one of my favorite films of director Martin Scorsese. True master in the history of American cinema, the filmmaker had since childhood proximity to the world of Italian mobsters who lived in New York and it became one of his trademarks, which only reinforces the quality of the film and its importance in the sub-genre "mafia films. Based on a true story, the script follows a young man who, impressed with the lives of gangsters in the neighborhood, works hard to grow the "Godfather" persona of the neighborhood. Tommy (Joe Pesci) and Jimmy (Robert De Niro), Henry (Ray Liotta) form a criminal trio of so called gangsters. All this because of a thing called respect, much used in the mafia vocabulary as a way to do whatever you may please…show more content…
Henry is greedy, and too intelligent observer to your own good. Decided to have a luxurious life, the risk of being arrested became acceptable. It was with this lifestyle that Karen married and had two girls. Over time, the police closed the siege upon the mobsters and all were imprisoned. With the possibility of easy life end, and even after being warned by boss Paulie, Henry insists on continuing drug smuggling, which shows a clear situation of the rise and fall of a man. Realizing that the mobsters are devoid of sensitivity and feeling the rope tightening around his neck himself, Henry is forced to accept that all the luxury needs to come to an end one day, if that is necessary to…show more content…
In manuals screenplay, as well as workshops and lectures on the topic, it is quite common to come across the idea that the initial ten minutes a feature film are extremely important for the film to introduce your idea, your mote, its reason to exist and be seen, and consequently hook the viewer. And yet the story goes that it is precisely at the beginning of the script that is spiked their destination, whether that story will come alive or not. Given the highly competitive film industry, a script with an uninteresting beginning probably not even get to be read by a

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