Personal Statement: A Career As A Dental Assistant

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There are a lot of different jobs out there to pick and choose from. Dental assisting is one job that has always interested me and the reason why I’ve decided to pursue a career in this field. There are a lot of different reasons why I became interested in the field and how dental assisting works. The main reason why I’ve wanted to become a dental assistant is so that I can help feel better about their smile. There are a lot of things that dental assistants do that some people don’t know about. They are in charge of sterilizing the dental instruments after every appointment. They also have to help the dentist at appointments, process x-rays and complete labs for patients, prepare for patient treatments, schedule patient appointments, and they also are in charge of the billing and payments with patients. Dental assistants also have to help with procedures and keeping all patient records. Even though they are trained in all these duties the main tasks they are in charge of are coronal polishing, sealant application, fluoride application, and topical…show more content…
The process usually starts in high school where students interested should take classes like biology, chemistry, and even anatomy. Then the student should pick a creditable school that offers a dental assisting program. These programs take usually take a year which at the end you will receive you certificate. During these programs students learn about the teeth, gums, jaws, and other areas of the mouth. They also learn and work with the same dental instruments that you would see in your dentist office. These kind of programs also include supervised practical experience and on the job training with different dentist’s in the area. After completing the program you just become certified and take your certification test. This test is known as the Certified Dental Assistant exam which you take through the DANB or the Dental Assisting National

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