Essay On Embroidery

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The art of embroidery has been found worldwide, but how to created a stereotype of femininity? In Levey and King 1993, p. 12 “Elaborately embroidered clothing, religious objects, and household items often were seen as a mark of wealth and status, as in the case of Opus Anglicanum, a technique used by professional workshops and guilds in medieval England.” Embroidery was a skill marking a girl's path into womanhood as well as conveying rank and social standing. Instead, embroidery is a kind of folk art. The word ‘sampler’ evokes an image of innumerable passive, powerless women just waiting to be selected and roped in by the ‘Rustler’. Embroidery has become indelibly associated with stereotype of femininity. 1949, Simone de Beauvoir wrote: ‘It is evident that woman’s “character”- her convictions, her values, her wisdom, her morality, her tastes, her behaviour – are to be explained by her situation.” In…show more content…
In fact, the embroidery is rich in tradition, women stuff, and women are required to learn knitting and embroidery in traditional thought, so as to show the art propriety. The embroidery process, will highlight a woman's femininity, because when women seriously embroidery, will emit some quiet temperament. In the tradition, women can not do the things men will do, whether dress, behavior, even some professional. Because women are essential in the traditional stay at home most of the time, being a good mother, a good wife, and can not do too masculine thing. Until the late 1960s, the feminist art movement occurs, women have in what makes them different from men is particularly interested in what makes women artists and their art and male artists and their different art. This has been most prominent in the United States, Britain and Germany, although there are many precursors movement, and since the 1970s it has spread to many other
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