Civil Disobedience Rhetorical Analysis

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Civil Disobedience Essay Civil Disobedience is an essay written by Henry D. Thoreau in 1849. In this he uses rhetorical questions to engages his audience, and to make them question how a government should be ran. The rhetorical questions are used well in the essay, because they display his uses of pathos, logos, and ethos. Thoreau uses pathos in the essay is used in the essay extensively. Though there is one spot that he uses pathos to its greatest effect, this is when he is in prison. “...they accuse me of burning a barn; but I never done it.” This is what Thoreau’s cellmate says to him as he sits in prison. By putting this line in the essay Thoreau evokes pity among the audience and gives justice to his rhetorical questions rebelling against government. He also makes mention that the man has been waiting for over three months for trial. This again ties into his rhetorical questions on paying taxes and rebelling against government. The other important use of pathos in the paper is…show more content…
He says if you do not support the way the country is progressing then you should not support it with taxes. This argument is based in a logical idea. That you should not pay money if you do not support something it is used for. “If others pay the tax which is demanded of me, from a sympathy with the State, they do but what they have already done in their own case, or rather they abet injustice to a greater extent than the State requires.” This all goes and plays into his use of rhetorical questions to further his own argument in Civil Disobedience. “Why does it not encourage its citizens to be on the alert to point out its faults, and do better than it would have them?” This rhetorical questions also stands as point using logos to make its argument. He says that government discourages looking at its faults, and hides them by using social disapproval to ostracize others think

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