Essay On Coal Mining

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Land is one of the most important resources on which humans dependent. The consumption rate of mineral resources is increasing with the advancement of science and technology, acceleration of urbanization, economic development, growth of population and industrial expansion. Growth of society and civilization thus majorly depends on the byproducts of mining industry to operate and maintain good standard of living for people. The products of mining activity tend to make a notable impact on landscape aspects, different biological communities, pollution, deforestation and combustion waste of the earth. The impacts are varied in severity depending on the mine condition whether it is working or abandoned. Mine wastelands comprises of bare stripped area, loose soil piles, subsides land areas, other degraded land by mining…show more content…
The coal mining in India was started in the year 1774 in the state of West Bengal however, the extraction of mining in India began on a large scale in 1950s. Presently, in India, more than 80,000 hectare of land is under various types of mining. Coal, is the most abundant available fossil fuel resource present in India, which makes fourth largest reserve in the world. It is extracted with both open cast as well as underground mining techniques. Open cast mining (surface mining) is most dominant mining practice in India, which contribute about 80% of total coal production, while underground mining contributes only 20%. Both of these mining activities contribute large amount of overburden dumps on lands. These wastes occupy large amount of land, because of that soil quality degraded. Therefore overburden site do not support any kind of plantation. At the beginning of 20th century, the total production of coal was just about 6 million tonnes in the year 1997-98. The expectation to reach the production of coal by 2000 A.D. was 417 million tonnes (Coal India,
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