Environmental Injustice In Christian Parenti's Tropic Of Chaos

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Environmental injustice is caused by a plethora of environmental problems. From a global perspective one can look at the real life examples illustrated in Christian Parenti’s Tropic of Chaos. This region of the world gets its name from the violence that takes place as a result of environmental problems. Parenti asks the question, “Who killed Ekaru Loruman?”. Loruman lived in Africa, the Pokot killed an area greatly affected by Peripheral status, in a raid. In an attempt to replenish stocks the young Pokot men would raid their neighbors for grazing land and water resources (39). The increase in violence is clearly linked to climate change. Environmental problems, specifically in Kenya, are desertification, which has increased drastically since…show more content…
Not only do we see issues like e-waste, as previously discussed, in countries around the world far separated from the Core but looking into the environmental injustice that follows the path of least resistance right in our own back yard. To explain, Bullard discusses the issue of environmental injustice based on race, income, gender, and minorities of any sort. Looking at the placement of some factories, the locations of Superfund sites and the relation of poverty within those areas it is no surprise to this topic of environmental injustice. The difference is still very drastic compared to the conditions of the ones living in the periphery but none the less, our neighbors are being put at higher risk for diseases such as cancer, and being exposed to these things that harm their families for many generations which has a way of keeping the poor in poverty because of things like birth defects and not being able to have the chance to climb the social ladder as a result of that inequality. Janet Currie points out the idea that children born to less educated and minority mothers are more likely to be exposed to pollution in utero and that white, college educated mothers are particularly responsive to changes in environmental amenities in her essay “Inequality at Birth: Some Causes and Consequences.”(1). The United States should realize that this is a direct contradiction to the pro-life discourse. Also looking at sacrifice zones in the U.S. indubitably places a cement on a permanent

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