Authoritarianism In Good Governance

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According to venerated Indian President Pratibha Devisingh Patil, developed and developing countries “… need strong institutions and good governance [to protect its citizens and fuel a successful nation state]” (Singh 10). As a concept, “good governance” has weaved itself into the common vernacular of society development. Although it remains vague in its definition, “good governance” has proved to be essential in the prosperity of a country. In various definitions the concept can veritably be condensed to three key positions. The first of which is accountability; the active government must remain liable for the consequences that arise as a result of the decisions made and make said decisions in the interest of the nation they represent. Secondly,…show more content…
These institutions are set up, but skeletal and have no teeth; no real power and are merely controlled by the powers that be. Both North Korea and Myanmmar have set up institutions in the effort to shroud their corruption. The concept of Competitive Authoritarianism is weaved into the concept of Electoral Authoritarianism. In reference Steven Livitsky’s and Lucan Way’s research a major area of democratic contestation is the Electoral one. They explain that “Electoral competition is eliminated either de jure…or de facto”. With control of the electoral pillar of society it becomes an impossible feat for the citizen to make any impact on government policy, which, in turn, leads to violence in order to topple said…show more content…
The generals thrive at the pinnacle of society while the citizens of Myanmmar live on an average one dollar per day (corruption index 2). Under constant Authoritarian rule since 1962 the nation of Myanmmar has remained stubborn in reform as surrounding Southeast Asian countries continue to democratize. The military junta that oppresses Myanmmar citizens has remained so strong due to very shrewd policy creation and fear mongering similar to most authoritarian regimes. The citizens are punitively punished for outspoken dissention toward government authority. The Junta does not hesitate to use violence when necessary to control the masses and preserve their power. For example, the nation committed one of the worst humanitarian tragedies to date. In 1988 the military junta was losing ground and support from the citizens as they clamored for a democratic transition (Thawnghmung 14). At the height of this unrest, 3000 protesters were killed; shot down by military hands. The instilled fear itself was enough to halt the uprising in its tracks. That did not mean that the population had given up its attempt to oust the abusive military junta. In the following election of 1990, two years after the flat-out butchery of the protesters, the junta lost the election with a landside victory to the opposition

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