Pros And Cons Of Affirmative Action

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"Affirmative Action is an effort to include every aspect of society in the decision making." I think that Affirmative Action opens up many doors for students of all races. It will impact students in some way because of the diverse campus they are a part of. Students will be able to learn from, work with, and grow closer together by the use of Affirmative Action. I think Affirmative Action in college is a good idea. Affirmative Action will benefit both the college environment and students, giving them more opportunities despite their race. Affirmative Action is the start of including all races in society decision making. It helps minorities deal with discrimination and disadvantages that even their ancestors went through years ago. This policy was thought of by John F. Kennedy and followed by Lyndon Johnson to give minorities more opportunities and was used under the…show more content…
Affirmative Action reaches out to those who are disabled and minorities to include them in school and work. Sadly, students who come from low income families typically don't get to attend colleges with good resources and high graduation rates. Even some ethnic groups such as Asian, Cambodians, Laotians, and Hmong have higher rates of dropping out than African American and Latinos. Colleges and work forces boost productivity with the use of Affirmative Action. The only hope we have for having a diverse and genuine environment is by using Affirmative Action. "The difficulty of overcoming the effects of past discrimination is as nothing compared with the difficulty of eradicating from our society the source of those effects, which is the tendency-fatal to a nation such as ours- to classify and judge men and women of the basis of their country and origin or skin color. A solution to the first problem that aggravates the second is no

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