Enzyme Lab Report

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Reacting at the Speed of Enzymes Alexandrea Cassidy Biology 1111 Section 7 Dr. Shazia Ahmed September 30, 2015 INTRODUCTION This experiment covered the role of enzymes in nature as catalysts to quicken reaction times and lower the energy required to begin a reaction (Ahmed 2005). The enzyme is considered a protein but it contains non protein parts named cofactors or coenzymes that are organic molecules. An enzyme is created in a specific shape with an area that is carved out called an activate site, where it can bond with a substrate. The enzyme and substrate have to perfectly fit each other like a lock and key do. Enzymes are specifically named based on the substrate they work with and then followed by the suffix ‘ase’(Ahmed…show more content…
The reactions we conducted were exothermic as they gave off heat.When we increased enzyme count we hypothesized that the reaction temperature would increase also because there would be more enzyme to lower the energy of activation and therefore the temperature would go higher than the baseline experiment did. When we decreased the enzyme count we hypothesized that with less enzyme the reaction would not be as effective and therefore would not give off as much energy, or heat, as the baseline did. When we increased PH we hypothesized that the increase PH would denature the enzyme and there would be no reaction and therefore no change in temperature. When we increased temperature we hypothesized that the enzyme would be denatured and there would be no enzyme activity and therefore no reaction in the tube and no heat given off. METHODS AND MATERIALS ›Ahmed, S 2005. Principles of Biology Lab manual. U.S.A., Hobbes End publication: p 21-31 RESULTS This graph showed the base line for typical enzyme reaction for sixty seconds. The temperature increased 1.5 degrees C in sixty seconds. This graph demonstrated that by adding excess substrate the reaction will increase. In sixty seconds the temperature increased 2.9 degrees C in sixty seconds. This graph demonstrates that increased PH denatures the enzyme and no reaction takes place. The temperature…show more content…
When excess substrate in the form of hydrogen peroxide was added the enzymes had more substrate to join with; therefore, the reaction took place faster and more heat was given off in the exothermic reactions. In sixty seconds the solution’s temperature increased by 2.9 degrees Celsius compared to the base rate of 1.5 degrees Celsius. When the enzyme was reduced by half the reaction was slower; it still took place; however, there was less enzyme to break up the molecules so it took longer and gave off less energy. In sixty seconds the solution’s temperature increased by 1.5 degrees Celsius; this was the same as the base rate. It was expected for it to not give off as much heat as the base reaction because the reaction was going slower. When Ph level was increased the temperature of the solution fell by .1 degree Celsius. This was not expected to happen. It was hypothesized that there would be no change in the temperature as no reaction should have taken place. The readings may have been a human error or the hydrogen peroxide that was added could have been colder and therefore dropped the temperature of the solution. When the yeast was heated the temperature also dropped by 1 degree Celsius in the test-tube. Again this could be human error as it was hypothesized that the temperature would stay the same as no reaction should have taken place since the enzyme would have been denatured by heating. We may have

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