Enzyme Lab Report

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Abstract This project is about how acids and bases affect enzymes. For this project, it will use different liquids to make acids and bases. The yeast added with the solution are the enzymes. When the solutions react with the yeast, it shows how the acid or base would react with an enzyme. The reason this project is using yeast is because it is mainly made up of enzymes I created a control liquid, low acid, high acid, low base, and high base. When the yeast was added the bubbles layer would start to create and would measured by height and recorded into a notebook. Once all the data was in the notebook, all of it would be compared. The high base and low base reacted the most to the enzymes. Add concentrations, results, more procedures, fix grammar,…show more content…
I researched alittile about acids and came across bases, and enzymes. It caught that they are related to effecting enzymes. I wanted to see exactly how they would effect it, or at least a model of how it can effect enzymes. Acids and bases both affect protein in the enzymes. This project will see how much the acids and bases will affect the enzymes and their proteins. Some questions that might pertain to my topic might be; what exactly does an enzyme do? An enzyme are molecules (usually proteins) that speed up chemical reactions that take place within the cell. Another question might be, what is a catalyst? A catalyst is a material that can increase the rate of chemical reactions without going under any chemical changes. I expect to gain from this experiment new facts about chemistry, and understanding chemistry alittile…show more content…
A:The bubbles will look different and soon pop. Q: What was put into the base containers that made them different form the acids? A: The base beakers had a baking soda solution in them that the acids did not have. The acids had lemon juice which made it different form the base containers. Q: Were there more bubbles in acids or bases? A: There were more bubbles in the base. Both high and low bases had more bubbles than both high and low acids. Q:Did the low base have more bubbles or the low acid? A:The low base had more bubbles than the low acid. Conclusion This experiment showed the chemical reaction between yeast and acids/bases. The hypothesis stating that if yeast is added to the high concentration acid then it will produce the highest bubble layer was incorrect. The base had more of an effect on the enzymes than the lemon juice did. A mistake that could be made is not waiting for the correct amount of time when the yeast is added. A way to prevent this is by setting up a timer for the amount of time needed to be waited. This relates to our class studies because yeast was used and yeast is an

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