Environmental Racism In Schools

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Introduction Environmental racism is a terribly egregious underreported form of socio-economic injustice, in which low income neighborhoods of color are targeted and exposed to hazardous pollutants. One of the earliest of these cases occurred in Warren County NC. The Ward Construction Company in 1973 came to North Carolina and left 31,000 gallons of polychlorinated biphenyl(pcb) on the side of the road in 14 counties. North Carolina needed to do something with all of the dangerous chemicals so a plan was developed to create a landfill in Warren County, which out of North Carolina 100 counties had the highest majority of African American residents, and were ranked 97th in GDP. Their socio-economic standing left them vulnerable and ultimately…show more content…
Another thing we can do is pay attention to what we purchase, a lot of items like cans, bags, and boxes can be reused. The next step to putting these ideas to practice is challenging the companies One huge way for "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" to be implemented into our society is through teaching young children lessons about this topic in school. By starting on a smaller scale with the children, it can lead to a larger overall impact in communities. Through these lessons in schools, children will be educated about environmental issues and the problems they are causing on a smaller scale and at a young age. They can be taught about these different topics through programs which will grab their attention and teach them helpful techniques through fun activities and lessons. The most crucial aspect about this whole idea is the involvement factor. In this case, the children will start getting involved and participating in "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" early on and they will go home and inform their parents about what they learn and want to implement their new skills in their own households. As a direct result, this will inform more people and allow for more people and households to be…show more content…
This can be fixed by combatting stubbornness with education on the influence that each person's waste production has on the overall environment. President Kennedy stated in his inaugural address in 1961 that as Americans “we should ask not what our country can do for us but what we should do for our country.”. One thing we can all do to better the state of living in our country is reduce waste, it is a fairly easy way to make a difference. Limiting the amount of waste per person will work in changing our environment because less trash will result in lower numbers of landfills. With less landfills the number of pollutants in the air land and water also go down. It is the responsibility of everyone to make a positive change for their fellow human beings. The victims of environmental racism and people who look like them will continue to be victims if nobody steps and speaks for them. The late Martin Luther King Jr. said in his famous Letter from Birmingham Jail, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly”. The practice of targeting low income communities of color can not stand. The environment we live in belongs to all
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