Elder Abuse Research Paper

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Elder abuse involves any act that harms an elderly person. It also includes neglect to protect an elderly person from harm. Harm to the elder may or may not be intended. Unintended harm often results from a caretaker's lack of knowledge, experience, or desire to provide care. Most often, the abuser is a relative who lives with the victim, but other caretakers can also be abusers. Fellow residents in a care facility may also be sexually abusive. The major categories of elder abuse include: • Physical abuse. This includes rough handling, threats with a weapon, throwing objects, pushing, grabbing, hitting, slapping, kicking, force-feeding, and improper use of restraints or medicines. • Sexual abuse. This involves sexual contact that is forced,…show more content…
This includes verbal attacks, rejection, humiliation, intimidation, social isolation, or threats that belittle or create fear, distress, and anxiety. Abuse may also include denying the victim participation in decisions that affect his or her life. • Financial abuse. This includes theft, fraud, and inappropriate use of influence to gain control over an elder's money or property. Elders may be coerced or manipulated to give away their money, rewrite their wills, give up control of their finances, assign durable power of attorney, or sign away ownership of their property. This is the most common form of elder abuse. • Neglect. This is a caretaker's failure or refusal to meet the needs of an elderly person. This can include not providing food, shelter, clothing, means for personal hygiene, medical care, and social stimulation or complete abandonment. Neglect often overlaps with other kinds of abuse. There is also self-neglect and self-abuse among the elderly. This is neglectful or abusive behavior by an elderly person that threatens his or her own health and safety. It often results from physical or mental disability, especially when the person is socially…show more content…
• If the victim is socially isolated and lacks social support. • If the victim is physically or mentally disabled. Sexual assault is more common in this situation. • If the victim lacks business experience, self-confidence, has slower thinking skills, or lives alone. Financial abuse is more common in this situation. • If the caretaker drinks too much alcohol or abuses other substances. • If the caretaker is under great stress. This may be due to financial, marital, or work problems, a recent decline in health, or loss of a loved one. • If the caretaker has a history of mental illness, such as depression, or mental disability. • If the elderly person's needs exceed the caretaker's abilities. This leads to frustration and stress. • If the care facility has a shortage of beds, too many patients, and not enough staff. WARNING SIGNS An abused elder may: • Have broken (fractured) bones. • Have bruises. • Show signs of poor nutrition. • Have unpaid bills, eviction notices, or discontinued utilities. These are warnings signs of financial

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