Effects Of Colonisation In Nigeria

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Considering the fact that Africa is often referred to as the “Heart of Darkness” and the “Dark Continent”, you would think that the civilized nations of the world would know better than to barge into Africa and attempt to “enlighten” it. However, in 1884 the scramble for Africa began. This is when the Berlin conference occurred, which was where the European superpowers officially divided Africa, and gave different parts of the continent to different colonizers. From 1884 to 1914, the continent of Africa was in complete chaos as the European colonizers started taking power from the existing African cities through means of violence and coercion. Nigeria, a country in West Africa, was a hub for natural resources like palm oil, timber, and other…show more content…
As, these power struggles between north and south Nigeria that are hindering its economic growth were never there before it was colonized. Additionally, due to colonization a lot of distrust occurs in the country, which can have fatal long-term effects. Another factor that is hindering Nigeria’s economic growth in the present day is its high level of corruption. As, due to corruption there is an increase in bureaucracy, which discourages domestic investment and reduces productivity in the country. According to some statistics by Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), Nigeria has a corruption index of 136/168 (with 0/168 being the least corrupt) and a score of 26 (26 out of 100, with 100 being the least corrupt). The root of all this corruption started in the colonial times when African leaders used to secure their looted assets in Europe. It is debated that if colonization never occurred, then African leaders would have never looked at Europe to safeguard their stolen funds, and today the amount of corruption in Africa (mainly Nigeria) would be…show more content…
The unfair policies that were imposed by the colonizers damaged Nigeria’s economy as well as its political situation from which the country is yet to recover. There are organizations like the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) and the World Bank that are providing education, grants, and other resources to help the country’s economy. However, seeing its current economic and political condition, Nigeria has a long way to go before it can call itself a developed

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