Edna Pontellier's Role In The Awakening

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Edna Pontellier’s goals to become an independent woman in the late nineteenth century are very admirable, but her actions throughout the book demonstrate how she is a disgraceful, mother, for abandoning her children and feeling nothing but relief, wife, for all of her infidelities, and she is a discraceful overall character for her screwed up morals. Mrs.Pontellier faced a great deal of criticism, from her husband and others in her society, because of her modern ways and desire to be an entirely independent woman. Edna’s confidence in her actions helped her follow through with her ideas of female independence. Halfway through the novel Mrs.Pontellier began to stand up for herself and choose not to be enslaved by the roles of a wife and a mother that she was forced to fill; because of Edna’s newly found attitude and confidence,…show more content…
Mr.Pontellier began to express his worries about Edna not acting well, how she seems to have “some sort of notion in her head concerning the eternal rights of women”, or even the effects that her family’s background has had on her recent actions (86). During that time period, Edna’s ideals were viewed by others around her as out of the ordinary or even just insane, but because Edna was so confident in herself and her “notions” she persevered and continued to take a stand against all of the morals the Victorian women were required to uphold. Edna Pontellier had so many goals in life such as becoming an artist and with that becoming an independent woman free of all responsibilities upheld by a Victorian housewife. When Mrs.Pontellier speaks with Mademoiselle Reisz about Robert’s letters and their inquiries of Edna, the topic of her seriously becoming an artist pops up into the conversation rather spontaneously. Edna’s statement of

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