Book Of Exodus Argument Essay

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Exodus Argument: The Book of Exodus is packed with theological significance. With Having begun with the record of Joseph’s lineage and death, the Book of Exodus seemed optimistic, for it recorded that Israel’s numbers had grown largely (1:1–7). Because of this fact, Pharaoh oppressed the people of God (1:8–14). Also, to control the population, Pharaoh enacted a decree that required all male children to be slaughtered (1:16). However, the Hebrew people were not easily overtaken, for their midwives lied and did not kill the children that were born (1:17–18). Because of their lie, the Lord blessed them (1:19). This text seems to indicate that a righteous lie is justified in the eyes of God. A man took a wife and she bore him a child (2:1). The child was male and had to be hidden or else he would have died (1:16). To protect the child, a basket was made and he was placed in the river (2:3). One of Pharaoh’s daughters found the child and adopted him as her own, but also appointed his birth mother as his nurse and named him Moses (2:5–10). Moses was cognizant of his Hebrew origin and was burdened by the mistreatment of his people. Because…show more content…
Continuing in this vein, covenants also require certain stipulations. The people were to follow specific instructions regarding the mountain that Moses was communing with God on (19:7–25). God spoke to Moses very specific laws that the people were expected to follow (chapters 20–24). These laws include: the Ten Commandments (20:1–17), laws about altars (20:22–26), laws about slaves (21:1–32), laws about restitution (21:33–22:15), laws about social justice (22:16–23:9), and laws about Sabbath and festivals (23:10–19). However, while the laws were being given, even though God had directly called the people into a covenant, they became scared and just as Moses did with Aaron, they made Moses their mediator

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