Domino Theory Vietnam War

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Prior to researching the Vietnam War I knew very little. However I do know that the Vietnam War was quite often referred to as “America’s longest war” and that it began in 1954 until 1975. Also that even though the war itself ended in 1975, in 1973 the U.S. American combat troops were withdrawn, and two years after their withdrawal the South Vietnamese forces had surrendered to the North. The dates of the Vietnam War are from 1954 to 1975. The Domino Theory was the main reason that the U.S. had gotten involved in the war, for they believed that communism was spreading and that it would in fact take over the world. The French were dictatorial towards Vietnam by denying all Vietnamese people any rights. Only the government was allowed to produce/sell…show more content…
never officially declared war. The U.S. had sent troops to Vietnam as a precautionary action; also they never planned to even have a war and only stayed in Vietnam to regulate events of the government. Therefore the Vietnam War started as a conflict over communism and upgraded to a fight or “war.” The U.S. had involved themselves in the war because of the Domino theory. The Domino theory is a theory that if one country falls to communism, then other countries will follow, resulting in communism becoming worldwide. The U.S. had troops in farms or plantations of the regular citizens of South Vietnam. Those who had loved ones in fighting in the Vietnam War desperately wanted the war to be over so that their loved ones would come home. However due to the negative television coverage on the Vietnam War, many were turned against the war as well as the American troops that had been deployed in Vietnam. As a result of the Vietnam War there were a total of 3.1 million deaths including U.S. soldiers, Vietnam soldiers, Vietnamese civilians, and…show more content…
Almost 1,000 students gather in New York City to protest against the Vietnam War. Twelve had decided to burn their draft cards as a symbolic gesture of opposition to the war. As a result of this on the 31st of August, 1965, U.S. Congress passed an amendment that will criminalize the destruction of draft cards, and that those who committed the crime would be sentenced to five years in prison as well as a 10,000 dollar fine. Another event that occurred on April 4th 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. A third event that occurred on November 16th, 1969, was that Nixon promised withdrawal of 35,000 additional troops of the Vietnam War. Then again in December of 1969, Nixon promised that 50,000 troops would be brought home by April of 1970. Another high profile event that occurred on May 4th, 1970 was the Kent State University shooting of four students. During a protest against the Vietnam War, Ohio National Guard shot into a crowd of students, in attempt to stop the protest, which resulted in the death of four students and the injuries of nine other students. As a result of this event there as a nationwide strike among college and university students that forced hundreds of colleges and universities to close. A fifth event would be when the U.S. had dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, killing almost 75,000 people instantly, and causing injuries to well over 100,000 people. Not even
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