Jay Lovestone's Theory Of American Exceptionalism

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There have been many theories explored throughout history as to why in the US there has never been a significant socialist movement. One theory is the influence of ‘American Exceptionalism’, in 1927, Jay Lovestone, leader of the Communist Party in the US, described America's economic and social uniqueness. He considered the increasing strength of American capitalism, and the country's "tremendous reserve power"; a force that ultimately prevented any threat of Communist revolution. This principle and concept was greatly supported by the Great Depression in the 1930s. Ostensibly, on would assume that this event in itself, could potentially have caused a socialist movement, however, ultimately, it proved simply Lovestone’s theory of ‘American…show more content…
According to this view, the mistakes made by other nations do not necessarily relate to or affect the United States because of their belief in their being exceptional and different. The actual term ‘American Exceptionalism’ was originally created by Marxists who hoped to explain why the United States appeared to have evaded the rise and escalation of socialism and Marxism. I found this concept in a book called ‘It didn’t Happen Here’ by Seymour Martin Lipset and Gary Marks, it is an opinionated novel that is highly acclaimed by the New York Times and refers to a wide range of history and thus is ideal in addressing the argument. As the nature of this source is inclined, one must keep in mind the bias present and also, in terms of theories and the mind-sets of people, one must be realistic as to what extent they are credible or relevant. This source is a highly acclaimed book as it reviewed extensively by the New York Times, and therefore has more than respectable authority which is also suggested by the fact that Lipset was a professor of Political Science and Government at Stanford, Harvard and Columbia. This suggests that any theories or assumptions made in the source are feasible and likely. (Lipset & Marks, 2000) (Glenn,…show more content…
In fact, the American failure to prevent a communist victory in Vietnam had much less of a global impact than had been assumed by the domino theory. Despite the fact that communist regimes did actually extend to Laos and Cambodia after 1975, communism failed to spread throughout the rest of Southeast Asia, as the domino theory suggested. This theory suggests American fear towards communism, as the US was prepared to fight and sacrifice lives in order to control its expansion. In this way the US government was able to convince most of the public that communism was like a disease and would infect its way across the world. However not all Americans felt this ‘allergy’ towards the system, this is partly due to the discrimination towards black people in the US and the on-going Civil Rights Movement. For example, noted heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali famously quoted, ‘No Viet Cong ever called me

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