change. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Negro man who wanted to usher in this change. However, he did not raise his fists at the first chance he got. He admired Gandhi and how he peacefully protested. Dr. MLK Jr. even said that the oppressed must “meet physical force with soul force.” And peaceful protesting did work. When the Negro people were attacked during a peaceful protest, the aggressors are pinned as the antagonists. And finally, at the ‘March On Washington,’Martin Luther King Jr. gave a
struggle. Many African- Americans and even whites put their lives on the line for the cause. One of the most influential leaders in this fight was Martin Luther King Jr. King was a Baptist minister and civil activist who played a key role in the American civil rights movement in the 1960s. Taking inspiration from nonviolent advocates such as Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. King sought equality for African Americans and freedom from the injustices under which they had fallen victim, through peaceful protest. Those protests