Dlp Personal Statement

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Personal Statement Simply knowing facts about todays world is not enough to positively shape the future in policy. You must dig deeper to uncover the principals that animate the political world. It is only by maintaining a burning curiosity to discover the root of why our societies work the way they do, that we can actually create positive change. My time at UCLA, has taught me the importance of great research. Driven by curiosity I have sought out thorough training as an academic researcher under my mentor, Professor Mark Huppin. PHD, JD. We are currently working on a U.S Department of Justice funded study investigating sexual assaults on campuses where our primary goal is to identify offender risk factors and treatment needs for higher risk populations. As a research assistant I have assisted Dr. Huppin in many vital areas of his research. I have spent a lot of time looking into prior research as well as finding relevant studies and stimuli. I am at the moment researching how so called just-world beliefs and victim-blaming might impact college women when hearing about sexual assault cases. We are looking to see if a self-affirmation manipulation cold possibly counteract victim blaming in this context. Dr Huppin has decided to delegate part of the…show more content…
Richardson has stated that she gained an interest in Terrorism because of her upbringing in Ireland where IRA was prominent. Similarily, my interest in Islamic terrorism stems from having a muslim father and having experienced terrorism first hand. I share Richardson’s view that “terrorism cannot be defeated… but that it can be contained” Just like Richardson has said it is important to understand the appeal and “on the basis of this understanding to devise effective counter-terrorist policies”, this is something that I aim to do both in my graduate studies and in my future

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