General Eisenhower's Gerras Critical Thinking Model

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General Eisenhower was an inexperienced critical thinker while in Command of the Mediterranean Theater, however; he demonstrated improvement as the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. Gerras’ Critical Thinking Model will serve as evaluative criteria for Eisenhower’s strategic decisions concerning Fredendall in the Mediterranean and the Transportation Plan in Europe. As commander of the Mediterranean Theater, Eisenhower demonstrated inexperience as he failed to relieve Fredendall from command in a timely manner. Eisenhower failed to trust his ASSUMPTIONS concerning Fredendall as a liability and needed replacing. Eisenhower explained that Fredendall “appeared to have lost control of II Corps” and wanted Harmon to make a decision because he, “simply did not know what had to be done”. Eisenhower witnessed wasted resources, the battle turned over to Harmon and acts of cowardice from Fredendall, however; he continued to stall his decision to remove him from command. In direct contrast to his words, Eisenhower had previously stated that, “he would ruthlessly eliminate any man who violates my instructions and my convictions”.…show more content…
In an effort to EVALUATE the INFORMATION, Eisenhower questioned senior leaders and conducted observations of Fredendall. As Eisenhower probed Harmon for his opinion of Fredendall he responded with, “He is no damned good. You ought to get rid of him”. Alexander followed suit and remarked, “I’m sure you must have better men than that”. Eisenhower realized that disconfirming evidence or bias was not an issue because everyone relayed the same message about Fredendall. In regards to EVALUATE the INFORMATION, Eisenhower utilized this critical thinking skill appropriately as he confirmed the information to be true and no bias existed; therefore, he relieved Fredendall of

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